
The Changuitos Feos alumni have always provided tremendous support to our young performers. We appreciate their own contribution over the years and hope to establish communications links between the alumni and to maintain an up to date list of our alumni.

Alphabetical Listing of the alumni are shown below , with dates of membership next to their names. We are actively seeking to add to this page. We are interested in what you are doing now. We can add links to your own web site or your e-mail addresses if so requested.

If you are a former member of Los Changuitos Feos or have information about a former alumnus, please contact us at 520-883-4246 or


My name is Anthony Sanchez <>. I was a second generation Chango. My father is Fernando Sanchez (trumpet player during the 70s). I trained in the apprentice group during the late 80s and started playing in the performer group in 1992. I wanted to see if you would add the attached picture to the Chango photo album (90s).

The picture was taken backstage just before we performed in the Fresno Concert that is mentioned in the photo album. The trumpet players are myself (left) and Daniel Castañeda.   (To see photo click here)


Received message from Jeff Nevin <>  
( Former Changuito Feo updates his Mariachi career)
" ¡Hola amigos! "
" I'm back from Mexico, where we had a string of really nice concerts these past few weeks.  First I went down to Guadalajara to hear Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán (with the Jalisco Symphony) playing a new popurrí I wrote for them called "Las voces de Fuentes", based on 5 huapangos by Ruben Fuentes " ...
(select here to continue)

Received message from Jeff Nevin <>
Jeff says hello to the Changuitos and has updated his latest news letter. Jeff says:

¡¡Hola amigos!!
Wow, it's been a long time since I've sent around a note telling you what's up in the mariachi world, but that doesn't mean nothing's been going on!  Before I tell you what I've been doing, let me give you a "head's up" about the next big concerts:

I'll be conducting and soloing with the La Jolla Symphony again this Fall for "Un Canto a México II" on September 30
(press here for rest of message).

Message from Myrna Estella Sanchez (Montanez)
"Hello Web Master  Just want to thank you for adding my name to the alumni page. You are doing a great job. Please update my email address:
Just in case nobody has mentioned to you that in the 1980 photo album
you have my sister's name Dolores Montanez (Noperi), instead of Michelle Reis on guitar."

Please select George Corrales (1968-1972)

Please select Estella Sanchez (formerly Montanez:1985-1989)

Please select Kieth Hungate (original "Gringo" Changuito 1964-1968)

Los Changuitos Feos Alumni

Juan Aguilar (1993-1997)

Mario Aguilar (?-2003)

Michelle Aguilar (?-2002)

Carmen Alfaro (1999-2002)

Freddy Alvarez

Charlie Anthony (Original Changuito)

Michelle Ariño

Rene Ariño

Wilfred Arvizu

Adrian Bachelier (1991?-2001)

Daniel Bachelier (2000-2004)

Steve Badilla

Cosme Barcelo, Jr. (Original Changuito)

Jorge "George" Bejarano

Robert Bourland (Original Changuito)

Gerardo Bustamante

Pat Carreon

Randy Carrillo

Stephen Carrillo

Daniel Castañeda

Edward Castillo

Joe David Castillo

Johnny Contreras

George Corrales (1968-1972)

Jeff Cruz (1997-2000)

Jimmy Cruz

Sterling "Jason" Davenport (2003 - 2005)

Lalo Davis

Maria Elena "Nena" Dueñas

Danny Dominguez

Francisco Escobar

Louie Estrada

Jose Federico

Anthony Felix

Frank Felix (Original Changuito)

Chris Figueroa

Steve Flores

Adalberto Gallegos

Salvador Gallegos

Johannah Garber-Pearson (2000-2004)

Adolfo Garcia

Alex Garcia

Belinda Garcia

David "D.J." Garcia (?-2002)

Fernando Garcia

Opal Garcia

Rubén Garcia

Bobby Gastellum

Olivia Gaxiola (1992?-1994)

Xochitl Gaxiola (1992?-1993)

Jerry Gay (1964 Original Changuito)

David Gill

Carlos Granillo

Rey Granillo

Alma Green (1992?-1995)

Marla Grijalva (Guillen)

Michael Guillen

Olga Guzmán (Flores)

Joe Hernandez

Michelle Hernandez

Ralph Hinton

Keith Hungate (1964-1968 Original Changuito)

Gilbert LaRoque (60's)

Lionel (Leo) Jacobs

Bridget Keating

Adolfo Lopez

Amelia Lopez

Aracely Lopez

Erik Marquez (1998-2000)

Roberto Martinez

Dennis Meade

Phillip Membrila

David Mendoza

Robert Miles

Israel Molina

Javier Molina

Rick Molina

Maria Dolores Montañez

Rogelio Montelongo

Julio Montijo

David Montoya

John Mora

Fernando Moreno

Maria Moreno (1994-1996)

Ruben Moreno

Estela Montanez (Sanchez 1985-1989)

Oscar Muñoz

Ramon Muñoz (2005-2008)

Jeff Nevin

George Norton (Original Changuito)

Adriana Olivares (?-2001)

Carmen Olivares

Lulu Olivares

Adelita Ortiz

Aura Vidal Otero

Mark Patton

Antonio Pro

Renee Ramirez (1997-2000)

Alberto "Beto" Ranjel, III (1994-2000)

Luis Ranjel (1995-2002)

Michelle Reis

Tony Reis

Mabel Rivera (1998-2002)

Paul Romo

Anna Ruiz

David Ruiz (Original Changuito)

Esther Ruiz

Edaena "Ena" Ruiz

Mack Ruiz (Original Changuito)

Michelle Ruiz

Tony Saldivar

Anthony Sanchez

Fernando Sanchez, Sr.

Ruby Sanders

Johnny Silva

Adam Templeton

Antonio Trujillo

Javier Trujillo

Mario Trujillo

Blanca Valenzuela

Francisco "Chango" Valenzuela

Anthon Vega (1995?-2002)

Valentin Vega

Gilbert Velez (Original Changuito)

Steve Yanez


Los Changuitos Feos Celebrates 47 Years Of Tradition And Culture!

Would you like Los Changuitos Feos to play for you? Please call
520-883-4246 or

(PayPal payments accepted! Contact us for on-line payment.)
Thank You!!!
Download pamphlet on Los Changuitos Feos here.

Los Changuitos Feos Celebrates 47 Years Of Tradition And Culture!
Would you like Los Changuitos Feos to play for you?
Please call (520) 883-4246 or email

Download pamphlet on Los Changuitos Feos here.
Los Changuitos Feos de Tucson is a youth mariachi group whose multiple purposes are to provide creative and wholesome activity for its members; to develop members' artistic talent and social maturity; to instill in members self esteem and pride in music, language and culture; to develop a sense of community; to promote the City of Tucson; to entertain and bring joy of spirit to others; and to provide college scholarship support to graduating members.
All contents and logos Los Changuitos Feos de Tucson, Inc. except CD songs Albert Ranjel II